Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Update: 23 Posts in a day...

So its final at the end of the day with this entry there would be total 23 blog posts by me in a single day.

I am saving the last entry of Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2014 for my photography blog for tomorrow.

I had two blogs in the contest and I have completed the challenge for my stories blog and hopefully would complete the same for my photography blog too.

Somehow I stopped updating my stories blog at the letter L and my photography blog at the letter Q. And since there were only two days remaining in April which meant I would either have to hurry or fail the challenge.

I chose the first option and wrote 23 posts in a day, Yay!! for the spirit.

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2014 made sure that for most of the month I posted at least one entry everyday on schedule. So I have 26 posts for the month which is maximum for me like ever in a month.

13 short stories in a day.. phew

So finally I did it I was stuck in a rut and was not able to contribute daily to the Blogging from A to Z April challenge. 

So I did what anyone serious in finishing the challenge would do. I raised my chin up and finished the challenge for my short stories blog I drummed up 13 shorts stories in little more than 8 hours to finish the challenge. 

Now on to my photo blog which needs 9 entries to be completed.

So wish me luck..

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blogs status update - Good News

Okay so no pictures this time around. Indiranks have again been refreshed and quite few of my blogs have made jumps and some have fallen as I am busy with Blogging from A to Z April Challenge with two of my blogs they benefited the most. So with the new update I still have 4 blogs in Top-20 blogs in Bhopal. But now I have two blogs in Top-20 for the very first time. Ranks for my blogs in Top-20 are as follows:

9   - Story Teller
10 - My Third Eye
14 - The Sixth Sense 
16 - Books are Magical

So there you have it, I am happy but not too much as blogs are fine but life not so much. Promise there would again be pictures of the rankings next time.

Friday, April 4, 2014

I hate these 10

This week's IndiSpire's topic is #10Questions i.e. '10 Questions you hate being asked' so let's dive right in.

India is a curious country after all everyone is so curious to learn everything about you and your family, in fact your entire background. I would have to really think to find out the 10 questions which I hate the most but hopefully I would be able to list them sooner than later.

So these are 10 questions which I hate the most

1. What's your Cast?
2. Why do you love being alone?
3. Why do you buy so many books?
4. Why do you keep on reading all the time?
5. How can you read such a big book, don't you get bored?
6. Why do you listen to english songs or watch english movies?
7. How can you watch movie in theater alone?
8. Why don't you eat non-veg?
9. Why can't you work out to stay fit?
10. Why don't you save money?

So there goes my list of 10 questions which I hate to be asked. Some may be justified some may not but my list is my list :)