Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Knowledge is Great

Knowledge is Great because it's a never ending story, it's a never ending pursuit, it's life. If you stop learning, stop acquiring knowledge then what's the point of living. I consider myself a constant student so I keep on reading. I learn how the masters write by reading their work. I watch movies to see the masters in action. I study the works of the masters to learn more about photography. I listen to the songs to experience the joy which you get while listening to greatness and greatness comes from knowledge.

Knowledge is Great ... its one of the truest sentence.

I have been contemplating going to a good university for advance studies. When I saw this wonderful competition organized by http://knowledgeisgreat.in/ where in we could write about a specific subject/specialization which we would like to do from UK, question is why and where?

George SquareGlasgow, Scotland (Credit Wikipedia.com)
The Picture above is of George Square in Glasgow, Scotland, it is one of the largest city in UK and its where I would like to go to study further. It has the highest population density in Scotland.

I work as Group Lead, IT Helpdesk so IT is my field. But I write as well and love to click photos too. So it's really tough to chose a single field to study. If I have a chose a field I know the least about it would be photography.

So I would love to pursue a course to study/spatialize in Photography, so that I can be an even better photographer. I mean look that the photos of Glasgow isn't it simply beautiful and Scotland's natural beauty is often talked about and wrote about. If a nature's heaven is not conducive for pictures I don't know what is.

Famous Places in Glasgow (Credit Wikipedia)
Now once the difficulty of choosing the subject is over let's continue to the even trickier part of choosing a college/university. Since I already chose Glasgow as my educational destination, my choices must come from there, between 'University of Glasgow' and 'The Glasgow school of Art'. Since my selected course is 'Creative Arts & Design' I would love to study in 'The Glasgow School of Art' because if you have an institution focused on a single stream you get better facilities and faculties.

So if I ever get a chance to study in UK I would go for a course in 'Creative Arts & Design' from 'The Glasgow School or Art'. Since I am interested in going for a course in Photography I chose Glasgow as its a mix of old world charm and great Sci-Fi buildings. And as a country Scotland is extremely beautiful and as I am a part time writer and part time photographer I am inclined to go for beautiful things.

And I would like to finish by saying that the quest for knowledge should never cease because 'Knowledge is Great'  and 'Knowledge is Life'.

This contest was organized by http://knowledgeisgreat.in/ and indiblogger.in I am thankful to both of them for providing me this wonderful opportunity.

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